I feel like the days are never ending around here, I am board out of my mind but I don't have the energy to do anything. For the past 7 years I've usually worked anywhere between 40-60 hours a week depending on the season and I loved it and hated it all at the same time. Now that I'm not working much I don't know what to do, partially because I don't feel good. Honestly during this pregnancy I don't think I could of worked like I did when I was pregnant with Livvi, I feel lucky that I have been able to cut my hours down so much. I must be getting old, maybe waiting to have babies in your 30's wasn't so smart? I've been baking, only because I don't know what else to do. I don't really eat my bake goods, today I threw away a couple dozen cookies that were old not to mention expensive to make and then made brownies...it passes the time, only 3 more weeks until our sweet baby boy comes, I am sooo excited! I wish he had a name, I wish Phil would agree with my names, who knows maybe he will when he sees him? I can't wait to be done being pregnant, I haven't enjoyed most of it, I should be more grateful but honestly I'm over it!
A few things Livvi has said this week:
Mom: Liv do you want to go to the store with me?
Liv: No
Mom: We are going to get chocolate chips!
Liv: Fine (with a sigh), I'll go.
She's TWO, I'm supposed to be cool and she is supposed to always want to be with me...right?
Mom: I said something to Liv in the car the other day I can't remember exactly
Liv: Mom, I heard you!
Aunt Suni: Livvi you need to eat your beans all gone
Livvi: Nunny, you not my mommy!
WOW again!
What am I going to do with her, 2 going on 16?